Advanced Front end development with Next.js

Recorded Classes with live doubts clearing
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React Overview [Optional]

·     [ ] SPA

·     [ ] How React works and Understanding

·     [ ] JSX

·     [ ] Passing Data With Props & Dynamic Content

·     [ ] Event Handling

·     [ ] React Hook useState

·     [ ] React Hook useEffect

Next Overview

·     [x] Why Next.js?

·     [x] Environment Setup & IDE

·     [x] Key Feature: Server-Side Page (Pre-) Rendering

·     [x] Key Feature: File Based Routing

·     [ ] Key Feature: Build FullStack React Apps using Api routes

·     [ ] Learning Approach for Next.js

Navigating Between Pages

·     [ ] Adding A First Page

·     [ ] Adding a Named / Static Route File

·     [ ] Working with Nested Paths & Routes

·     [ ] Adding Dynamic Paths & Routes

·     [ ] Extracting Dynamic Path Segment Data (Dynamic Routes)

·     [ ] Building Nested Dynamic Routes & Paths

·     [ ] Adding Catch-All Routes

·     [ ] Navigating with the "Link" Component

·     [ ] Navigating To Dynamic Routes

·     [ ] A Different Way Of Setting Link Hrefs

·     [ ] Navigating Programmatically

·     [ ] Adding a Custom 404 Page


·     [ ] css-in-js

·     [ ] tailwind

·     [ ] styled-jsx


Ishank Sharma

Experienced JavaScript(Full-stack) Developer with 7 year experience in Product companies and free lancing as well as open source contributions (Including one is Next.js!). Ishank has worked in various domain writing, reviewing and documenting code. His current focus is on developing with web accessibility in Next.js.

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